Monday, December 13, 2010

Reverb10 Day 11- 11 Things

I’m late to the game for Reverb10. But that doesn’t mean I can’t hit the ground running. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Reverb10 you can check it out here

Prompt #11

What are 11 things your life doesn’t need in 2011? How will you go about eliminating them? How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life?

1. Energy Vampires: I’ve had enough with the vampires this year. And I’m not just talking sun –sparkly perfect hair Edward type vampires (though I’ll be glad to see that fad fizzle out as well). I’m thinking more along the lines of the energy suckers-- Those people who feed off of your energy and leave you feeling depleted and weak.

2. Frozen Dinners: Seriously woman. You can do better than that.

3. Worry: Worry is pointless. It’s a waste of energy. If I can take action to solve a specific problem, then great. If not, then let it go.

4. Clutter: I hold on to way too many things, thinking that some day these “things” may serve a “purpose”. No. I don’t need 2 printers or 3 pair of rain boots. And what the hell is that telescope doing in my home office? Detach. De-clutter. Delight.

5. Negative self-talk: Every time I fall into this horrible pattern I have to switch gears and imagine present-day me talking to 13 year old me. I’m much more gentle and motherly to 13 year old me. I love the young naïve, hopeful version of me, but now I need to learn how to love the 26 year old me as well.

6. Fear of Failure: What a boring track I’ll keep trudging on if I continue to fear making mistakes. I think I need to go bowling to solve this one. I’m a terrible bowler. I will most certainly fail at bowling and I’ll most certainly survive.

7. Control Freakishness: Now heeey now. I don’t want my life to be a free-for-all hippie clothing optional do as you please commune. I just want to ease up on the reigns a little. I would like to be okay with not controlling every aspect of my life. I like to plan, but I think a little spontaneity will bring about some learning experiences.

8. Guilt: Guilt is heavy, heavy on the heart. I refuse to continue to feel guilty about what I decide is best for me.

9. Excuses: No one wants to hear them. I don’t want to have them.

10. Stagnation: Action, Amy. A-c-t-i-o-n.

11. Top Forty radio: The earworms are just too horrendous.

I’m working toward balance and lightness. By giving up some of these unneeded things in my life, I’ll allow room for better things to enter. I have to continue to be my own gate-keeper. I make the decisions regarding what and who is worthy enough to have my time and energy.

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