Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day 15 - 5 minutes

Reverb10 is an open online initiative that encourages participants to reflect on this year and manifest what’s next.

Day 15 Prompt:
Imagine you will completely lose your memory of 2010 in five minutes. Set an alarm for five minutes and capture the things you most want to remember about 2010. (Author: Patti Digh)

This is my kind of prompt. Something with a time limit. So I’m losing my memory in five minutes? Ready and go:

Falling in love--- the way it aches from your toes to your eyelashes.

Feeling that, for the first time, you can be your true, authentic, wacky, compulsive, randomly singing, weird voice making self and be loved anyway.

Trekking miles through 4 feet of February snow with him holding my hand.

The fig ice cream in Buffalo.

My grandfather’s belly laugh around the Thanksgiving table. Tears streaming down his face. So much gratitude.

Nailing that job interview. Being poised and confident.

Reading internet stories about Zagnuts with my favorite girls in a Baltimore hotel room. Laughing. Hard.

Exploring abandoned buildings in Detroit. The feeling of stillness and tranquility I found in the old empty schoolhouse. The feeling of being so tiny while in that old forgotten theater.

3rd Sunday themed potlucks. Leaving feeling energized and full of hope for humanity.

Underwear dance parties.

These are the moments and feelings that stood out to me. 5 minutes doesn’t give you much time to over-think things. Let’s hope I make a good handful of memories worth holding on to throughout 2011. Bring it on.

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